Sunday, January 8, 2012


I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions.  Not so much because I can't sustain them.  I simply don't understand the reason why there is a need to wait until the new year to make a resolution.  Any other day is just as good.

That being said, there are a couple of things that I've thought of doing this 2012.  Perhaps I'll give "New Year's Resolutions"  a shot.  So here are mine:

1.  Go on a trip at least once a month. --- It doesn't have to be somewhere luxurious, far or exotic.  I just want to travel for travel's sake. However, I must admit that I haven't found a destination for the long weekend coming up in a couple of weeks.

2.  (Re)start blogging. --- Here I go.

3.  Maybe lose some weight. --- Emphasis on the maybe.  Maybe I could lose about 3 lbs. a month.  That would be great.  Anyone got tips?

I guess I've started on at least one resolution.  And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can sustain this.  It's one of the main reasons why I bought this lovely new laptop I'm using now.

Well there's another thing I've go going this 2012.  A personal fund-raising scheme.  It's quite simple, actually.  For each day or night that I take any alcoholic beverage this 2012, I put Php100.00 in my "piggy bank."  At the end of the year, I decide what to do with the money.  I did this last 2008 and I was able to get myself my D60.


On a different note, I saw one of my best friends in a children's party this afternoon.  She and I got to talking.  Shopping, as usual, was a topic we touched on.  She mentioned that her resolution this year is to have only 12 purchases for herself this year, regardless of how big or small the value of that item is.

This inspired me to do the same.

This 2012, I'm going to have to spend my money wisely because I can only purchase 12 items this entire year.  (I have this funny feeling that this is the least sustainable resolution.  I have to stay away from malls.) --- Still, I shall give it a shot.


Cheers to the 1st 7 days of 2012.  Full speed ahead!

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