Thursday, January 12, 2012

BELLAROCCA: What used to be only wishful thinking

Funny how life has a way of making things go your way at the most unexpected moments.

In January 10, 2010, I posted in my previous blog that I really really wanted to go to Bellarocca.  At that time, it was all only wishful thinking.  I didn't that I would be able to go there a year and a half after having posted the article.  Actually, I completely forgot about the article.

Sometime last year, a friend an I, were discussing where we would want to go.  We both love to travel.  Needless to say, we both needed a break from our jobs so badly.  Bellarocca seemed to be the perfect place. Refuge.  Relaxation.  Sanctuary.

We left for Marinduque at the height of typhoon Mina.  I was a bit worried that the weather might not cooperate with us during this mini-vacation of ours.  It was a great thing that when we got there, the sun was out and the weather was great for the beach.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The plane ride was uneventful.  In fact, I think we were still too tired from work that, amid our excitement, we didn't get to take the usual pre-departure photos.  Upon arriving at the Marinduque Domestic Ariport, we were greeted by Bellarocca staff with cold face towels and cold bottled water.  It was totally refreshing.  We were then ushered into vans that would take us to the port.  The road trip took only 45 minutes. (But for somebody who needed to pee, that trip took forever.)  There were some patches of dirt road.  I personally didn't mind.  I think it's a nice touch to the provincial experience.

You know what they say.  It's a rough road to paradise.

So we got to the port.  It was a great spot to take a photo of Elephant Island --- where Bellarocca Resort is built. It was unfortunate that there wasn't a clear view of the island.  There was mist over the water so the view from the port was quite hazy.  It took us a while to get to the rubber boats.  The waves were too strong and it was quite a challenge to get to the boats without falling into the water.  My other worry is that my SLR might get wet. Or that I might lose my balance, fall into the water and ruin the camera.  Whatever it was, I worried about the camera.  Good thing though, I brought my adventure-proof Pentax camera.


The boat ride to the resort took about 5 minutes, however, due to the weather, it felt like half an hour.  The waves were just too high.  It felt like one of the best roller coaster rides ever.  I mustered enough courage to use my Pentax to take a video of the ride.  The waves were definitely taller than the tallest person on board the rubber boat.  It was freaky yet exciting at the same time.

It was definitely the kind of adventure I needed.

Soon as we got to the island, we were offered towels to dry ourselves.  I couldn't resist but look into the water before riding the golf cart that would take us to the lobby.  The water was crystal clear.  I was just really fantastic.  The ride to the lobby just  kept us in awe.  We marveled at almost everything from the view of the sea, to the structure of the casas and the architecture of the entire place.  It was truly magnificent.

We were greeted by some singing and dancing staff at the lobby.  There was a short briefing about the island before we were ushered into our respective rooms.  The drink they served was really refreshing.  I think it was lemongrass.  But I can't quite remember.

We took the tour around the island before having our lunch.  We had our very own "chauffeur" to drive us around wherever we wanted.  We were able to take a look into one of the villas which had its own infinity pool.  The view was just truly breathtaking.  We also saw the Tea Room.  I suggested this room to another friend of mine who surprised her boyfriend with a trip to Bellarocca and surprised him with their very own private dinner in this Tea Room.  It's a nice place to have afternoon tea or cocktails during sunset.

Bellarocca Resort and Spa - August

I can go on and on and on about how delightfully marvelous Bellarocca is.  Truth be told, I would want to go there at least once a year.  Hopefully, when I go back, their food has already improved.  The food leaves much to be desired but their desserts are oh so yummy. (And I am not a dessert person.)

The resort's staff are so accommodating that sometimes you feel as if you have your personal yaya. They will provide you with what you need.  Just ask.

Moving forward.  Things to do:
1.  Wind surfing
2.  Kayaking
3.  Snorkeling
4.  Swimming
5.  Jet-skiing
6.  Golf
7.  Spa
8.  Karaoke
9.  Visit the game room /  library - You can rent books, DVD's and I think some CD's as well.   There's also a pool table.  I didn't go around much to see the other things inside.

Bellarocca is definitely not the place to go to if you want to party at night and drink til the wee hours of the morning.  However, if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city living, or if you need a quick breather to keep your sanity, or if you're looking for a romantic getaway, this place should definitely be on top of your list.

by the bar by the pool by the beach. and i had it all to myself.
Don't forget to bring your sunblock or tanning oil!

If' you plan to get a tan, I recommend Hawaiian Tropic Fusion Blends.  The orange part gives you a great tan while the purple part keeps your skin cool.  You get a tan without actually getting burnt.

Don't forget to shake it before you spray it! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I am totally loving this new nail color.  It's fuchsia with a hint of red.

Check out Gelish gel nail polish in rendezvous.  Piandre salon carries this.  The great thing about it is that it strengthens the nails without leaving yellow stains. The color doesn't fade and the nails stay shiny and lustrous. <3

I strongly recommend gel nail polish for those who want to grow their nails but have difficulty doing so because of nail chipping and splitting.  It may be a bit more expensive than the regular nail polish but it lasts for about 3 weeks.


Visited the new wing of Alabang Town Center earlier tonight.  Golly! It's like an entirely new mall.  My sister and I couldn't resist going in the shoe stores.  I almost bought a gorgeous pair of gold stilettos.  I had to remind myself that I'm only allowed to make 12 purchases this year.

I walked out of the store with my dignity intact.

So far, so good.


I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions.  Not so much because I can't sustain them.  I simply don't understand the reason why there is a need to wait until the new year to make a resolution.  Any other day is just as good.

That being said, there are a couple of things that I've thought of doing this 2012.  Perhaps I'll give "New Year's Resolutions"  a shot.  So here are mine:

1.  Go on a trip at least once a month. --- It doesn't have to be somewhere luxurious, far or exotic.  I just want to travel for travel's sake. However, I must admit that I haven't found a destination for the long weekend coming up in a couple of weeks.

2.  (Re)start blogging. --- Here I go.

3.  Maybe lose some weight. --- Emphasis on the maybe.  Maybe I could lose about 3 lbs. a month.  That would be great.  Anyone got tips?

I guess I've started on at least one resolution.  And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can sustain this.  It's one of the main reasons why I bought this lovely new laptop I'm using now.

Well there's another thing I've go going this 2012.  A personal fund-raising scheme.  It's quite simple, actually.  For each day or night that I take any alcoholic beverage this 2012, I put Php100.00 in my "piggy bank."  At the end of the year, I decide what to do with the money.  I did this last 2008 and I was able to get myself my D60.


On a different note, I saw one of my best friends in a children's party this afternoon.  She and I got to talking.  Shopping, as usual, was a topic we touched on.  She mentioned that her resolution this year is to have only 12 purchases for herself this year, regardless of how big or small the value of that item is.

This inspired me to do the same.

This 2012, I'm going to have to spend my money wisely because I can only purchase 12 items this entire year.  (I have this funny feeling that this is the least sustainable resolution.  I have to stay away from malls.) --- Still, I shall give it a shot.


Cheers to the 1st 7 days of 2012.  Full speed ahead!